DUVEL Geduld

The Duvel project was both exciting and challenging. We had to create a visual world to tell three very different chapters of the Duvel's story. The graphic technique we developed was based on the woodcut style of their original branding. It is both gritty and quirky, which was a great starting point as it meant we had a wide range of visuals ideas to work with. The budget was also part of the challenge, and we succeeded by creating a series of illustrations "ready to animate" as we had developed the whole script with this is mind. So the storyboarding was crucial to nail down the story as early as possible before developing the different designs for the films.

On a personnal note, I am very happy with the overall project.
As the production went on, more and more people got excited about the project and got involved. It is always great when you feel that an energy is building up around a film you're making.
It was also the first time I had to animate my own designs. I had done similar work in the past with different designers, but this time I was able to develope the scripts while visualising the look of every scenes from scratch. The sheer quantity of designs needed was daunting but you don't always get to push yourself quite as far, so succeeding in that was almost its own reward.
Sound is also very important to me when I develope a story. So it was very convenient, once the visuals were created to collaborate with our in-house sound studio . I had ideas for the overall layout of the soundtrack, and Joep was able to extrapolate and enrich those ideas. We also had enough time to experiment, which is very important for every film you make. And working with Joep also gave me extra ideas to rework the visuals to fit the soundtrack, so that the overall experience of the films is exciting, organic and unique.


Galeria Kaufhof


Duvel Details